Call for Papers

The Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing seeks original research papers on the design, implementation, evaluation and deployment of systems that embody any aspect of edge computing. Topics include, but are not limited to:

- cloudlet-enabled applications - 5G-enabled applications/services
- fog computing infrastructure and applications - edge-based analytics and indexing
- scalable systems for resource-intensive sensing - edge computing for mobile health and augmented cognition
- decentralized IoT hubs - hardware architectures for edge computing
- tamper-resistant infrastructure - management techniques for dispersed infrastructure
- security and privacy issues in edge computing - vehicular systems
- cellular infrastructure for edge computing - tactile Internet applications
- edge-mediated crowd-sourcing - software infrastructure for cloudlets
- edge-based fault-tolerance, replication, consistency and availability - edge-based real time applications and quality of service
- load balancing and service selection at the edge - edge-based authentication, authorization and billing
- resource provisioning and metering of edge infrastructure - deployment and management of edge services
- programming models and tookits for edge computing - operating system support for edge services, including virtualization and containerization
- interactions between the edge and the cloud - network function virtualization (NFV) at the edge
- software defined networking (SDN) for edge computing - real-time context computing

Next conferences

SEC 2018


Previous conferences

SEC 2016


Important Date

Submission deadline: April 23, 2017 Acceptance notifications: June 29, 2017 Camera-ready deadline: August 16, 2017 Posters/Demos Submission Deadline: July 14 July 21, 2017, 11:59 PM PDT Posters/Demos Notification: July 28, 2017



-NSF Student Travel Grant: Apply Here

-Selected Papers will be invited to submit an extension to IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Special Issue on Fog/Edge Computing and Services .